Microsoft AI Team Introduces “Federated Learning Utilities and Tools for Experimentation” (FLUTE): A High-Performance Open-Source Platform For Federated Learning Research And Offline Simulations - MarkTechPost

2022-05-28 20:06:01 By : Ms. Tiamo CafeDeTiamo

Distributed Training (DT), which focuses on scaling the model training process via model or data parallelism, has gotten much interest because of an increase in training datasets. On the other hand, DT makes some assumptions, particularly in terms of communication and network parameters. Furthermore, new data management restrictions are arising due to the growing requirement for personal data protection, making data more inaccessible due to storage behind firewalls or on users’ devices without the option of being shared for centralized training. Federated Learning is a decentralized machine learning approach that emphasizes collaborative training and data privacy for users. The central concept underlying federated learning is that these machine learning models are highly versatile when it comes to training sophisticated models over large amounts of data without having to share that data with a centralized body. Despite its popularity as a research topic, it is challenging to deploy since it differs significantly from typical machine learning pipelines. Local data variety, end-node hardware diversity, privacy concerns, and optimization limits are challenges in federated learning. Furthermore, federated learning applications frequently need to extend the learning process to millions of clients to imitate a real-world environment. These difficulties highlight the necessity for a simulation platform that allows researchers and developers to conduct proof-of-concept implementations and verify performance before creating and deploying their machine learning models.

Contributing to the ongoing research in this field, the Privacy in AI team at Microsoft Research established the FLUTE (Federated Learning Utilities and Tools for Experimentation) architecture for executing large-scale offline federated learning simulations in their research publication. The study’s goal was to create a high-performance simulation environment that allows for speedy prototyping of federated learning research, making the implementation of federated learning applications easier. There is a lot of active research when it comes to building up learning environments, offering privacy guarantees, implementing model-client updates, and minimizing communication costs in federated learning. FLUTE addresses several of these issues while allowing for more customization and realistic research. It also allows developers and researchers to test and experiment with many scenarios before deploying their machine learning model in a production framework, such as data privacy, communication techniques, and scalability.

FLUTE’s main selling point is its integrated interaction with Azure ML workspaces, allowing users to manage and track trials, parameter sweeps, and model snapshots using the platform’s features. Its distributed nature is built on Python and PyTorch, and the elegant client-server architecture allows researchers and developers to experiment with new federated learning methodologies swiftly.

FLUTE is largely scalable, allowing researchers to promptly conduct large-scale experiments with tens of thousands of customers. It also supports a wide range of federated learning settings, including standardized DGA and FedAvg implementations. FLUTE’s generic API makes it simple for developers to add new models and experimentation capabilities, and its open design makes it simple to add new optimization methods. Microsoft Research also announced that FLUTE would be made available as an open-source platform with a set of essential tools to assist developers and academics in kicking off experiments to push people to investigate new methods of federated learning. The researchers hope that the groundbreaking architecture is just beginning a new era in federated learning algorithms at scale. The team is also working to make FLUTE the industry standard for federated learning simulation platforms. Future updates will contain algorithmic optimization improvements, support for more communication protocols, and more features to make the setup process more straightforward.




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